Herb of the Week — fatigue RSS

Herb of the Week – Allspice

       Allspice, used as a spice and medicinal herb, is the dried, unripe berry or fruit of the evergreen pimento tree. Other common names include: Jamaican pepper, pimento, pimenta, clove pepper, myrtle pepper, and newspice.The tree grows 22 to 43 feet high on average, but is slow growing. Its leaves are leathery, glossy, and elliptical-shaped. The tree blooms with small white flowers in the spring and fall, turning to clusters of brownish-green berries in the fall. The tree is cultivated in tropical regions, and is native to southern Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.  Allspice contains a chemical compound called eugenol that is known to be antiseptic and anesthetic. Allspice is also carminative, antidiarrheal, aromatic, a...

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Herb Of The Week - Gotu Kola

 This week, we'll be exploring the properties of the Gotu Kola. The Latin name for this plant is Centella asiatica . It's other names include: Brahma-Manduki, Indian Pennywort, Indian Water Navelwort, Marsh Penny, Thick-Leaved Pennywort, Tsubo-kusa, Tungchian, and White Rot .               In India, Gotu Kola is regarded as one of the most spiritual of all herbs and is regarded as one of the most important rejuvenating herbs in Ayurvedic Medicine.. Growing in some areas of the Himalayas, gotu kola is used by yogis to improve meditation. They use it in helping to develop the energy center at the top of the head, traditionally known as the crown chakra, and to balance the right and left hemispheres of the...

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