Herb of the Week — Liver disease RSS

Herb of The Week – Licorice

Licorice, whichever variety it is derived from, is used in the same medicinal ways; the Latin names will be used when noting any differences.Its other names include: licorice root, liquorice, sweet root, and Gan Zao. It is important to note the difference between licorice and licorice flavoring; the latter is most often flavored with anise, which has the characteristic licorice flavor, and is not to be confused with licorice herb for medicinal use.

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Herb Of The Week – Dandelion

            This week, we'll be looking into the medicinal attributes of the common dandelion. The Latin name for this plant is Taraxacum officinale. Its other names include: Blowball, Cankerwort, Cochet, Common Dandelion, Couronne de Moine, Lion's Teeth, Lion's Tooth, Priest's Crown, Swine Snout, Wild Endive.               Most people today look at the dandelion and see a weed, but in truth it is a wonderful medicinal herb mankind has been using for thousands of years to treat specific ailments. Native Americans have been using dandelion for centuries. In the past dandelion roots and leaves were used to treat liver problems, while the heads were used in both medicinal and culinary world. Native Americans would boil...

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